Our Team


Meet our team, and find out their “Why PinkDrive”.  Their stories echo the passion, dedication and commitment of this organisation.

Noelene Kotschan

Noelene Kotschan

CEO & Founder

Robyn a 13-year-old has asked the question what legacy are you leaving behind?  “My legacy is PinkDrive. So you tell me WHY ……..would anyone be a non-profit entrepreneur? overworked and underpaid and you don’t get to meet those whose lives we touch.

If you had met me in my twenties, you would have seen a devoted stay at home mother of 2.  Overnight I became a single mother and breadwinner, not because of divorce, but because of the dreaded  BIG C disease – CANCER.

My husband had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. For two years he had been incorrectly treated for tick-bite fever.

3 Years later my father was diagnosed with Leukaemia. It took exactly 3 weeks from diagnosis to the day my Dad died.

These painful experiences made me realise that change in the Cancer space had to happen. Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world” –  AND ……that change had to start with me!

Early detection of  Cancer became my mission, and SO PinkDrive was born.

Nelius du Preez

Nelius du Preez

National Marketing & Event Co-ordinator

My passion has always been to assist individuals in need and in some way better their lives.

I have the heart to be the middle man, between those willing to give and those in need to receive, and my journey with PinkDrive has been more fulfilling than ever imagined.

The feeling of accomplishment from a meeting, each event and each step you take with the team, supporters and partners has a bigger meaning and impact for the greater good; and to work and live for a purpose. There is meaning behind each and everything we do.

Antoinette Joubert

Antoinette Joubert

National Corporate Wellness Co-ordinator

My story with PinkDrive started 10 years ago.

Being part of a team with a passion for a cause, and a mobile unit travelling to areas where communities are waiting for the once in a lifetime opportunity to arrive became the picture of my life story

A passion for making a difference in so many people’s lives became part of my own life.

I have seen so many faces walking into the mobile unit .. some smiling others concerned faces not knowing what their future will hold.

Then there are the smiling faces of the staff always in their pink T-shirts helping the elderly into the mobile unit and telling the concerned faces ….“You will be fine..We will help you”. These words became part of my vocabulary.

The words will never show…. the you I have come to know…

Thank you for being part of my life .. today and tomorrow, I will walk beside you all the way changing concerned faces into smiling faces. I salute you!


Janice Benecke

Janice Benecke

Marketing & Event Co-ordinatior - Durban

My journey with PinkDrive started in 2011 as a volunteer at their events.  I was really impressed  by PinkDrive’s professionalism and preparedness – their Pink trucks, dedicated staff and volunteers. I offered to assist again at future events.  What stood out for me was how the nurses treated people who came for a breast examination or advice. They treated them with love, care and respect.

Being a cancer survivor myself, I thought, I need to work for a company like this, I think that I have a lot to offer. PinkDrive contacted me more and more often to volunteer at their events and I grew more passionate and showed more compassion in helping others. I was so happy when I was finally hired full time in 2014.

I value just how fortunate I am to work in the PinkDrive environment and to appreciate this wonderful culture of support, compassion and empathy for one another and our extended families.

Tenielle Karen

Tenielle Karen

Marketing & Event Co-ordinator - Cape Town

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. “ – John Dewey

My introduction to PinkDrive was in 2017 when my Aunt attended a women’s sporting event where she learnt how to do a self-breast examination. A few months later she discovered a lump in her right breast, which was cancerous. Thanks to PinkDrive’s Educational programme, my Aunt detected cancer early and got the necessary treatment.  Today she is cancer-free and alive to welcome her first grandchild. This impacted our family significantly and sparked an interest in me to get involved with the organisation, so began my journey with PinkDrive.

After volunteering for 3 months, I was offered a position in the organisation. It turned my life around.  I was in a dark depression, having lost my partner a few months earlier. Working with PinkDrive, was the challenge I needed to help me overcome my own personal tragedy.

4 Years later, I am a better person, having learnt lessons in gratitude and resilience from the communities we serve, I am honoured to be a part of this life-changing organisation.

PinkDrive Gazebo for outreach
PinkDrive patient Selfie
KarenPark Clinic Launch - City of Tshwane
Launch of Mammo 2
PinkDrive health professionals

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